Paying Down DebtPaying Down Debt

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Paying Down Debt

When I started taking a closer look at my finances, I realized that I had a serious spending problem. It seemed as if I could never keep money in the bank, and I knew that it was all because of my issues with using my credit cards. I was paying more every month in interest than I was on the actual things that I was purchasing, and it was like a bad cycle. I worked hard to pay down the debt, and when I was finally able to do so, it felt as if a load had been lifted off of my shoulders. This blog is all about paying down debt so that you can enjoy your life again.


Signature Bail Bonds: How Do They Work?

If you need to post bail for a loved one and don't have enough collateral or funds to do so, you may wonder how you can help them. You may be able to post bail without any collateral or money with a signature bond. Learn more about signature bail bonds below.

What's a Signature Bail Bond?

Many people use bail bonds to get out of jail while waiting on their court date. However, not every defendant or their loved ones possess enough funds or collateral to post bail at the time of their hearing. In this case, a bail hearing judge may allow the defendant to use a signature bail bond in lieu of a traditional bail bond.

Signature bail bonds are vastly different from traditional bail bonds. With bail bonds, defendants or their loved ones pay a fee before law enforcement releases them from jail. Defendants may pay all of the fee or a percentage of it.

Signature bail bonds require defendants and their loved ones to sign special documents or contracts prior to their release. When you sign the contracts, you agree to pay the full bond amount to a bail bondsman at a later date, usually during the defendant's trial date. The court will penalize individuals who don't show up for their court date. You also need to pay the bail bond company the full amount of the original bond.

If you think a signature bond is something you can use to bail out your loved one, contact a bail bondsman for further details.

How Do You Post a Signature Bail Bond?

Before a bail bondsman or court allows you to obtain a signature bond, they may want to see if you have any collateral they can use to bail out your loved one. Your loved one's bail amount may be less than you originally think. If the bond amount is low enough for you to pay later, a bail bondsman may accept it in lieu of a signature bond. 

If your loved one's bail amount is too high for you, a bail bondsman may ask the court to grant you a signature bail bond. The court will consider several things before doing so, including your loved one's:

  • previous criminal history
  • current criminal charges
  • age

If your loved one is a minor and doesn't have a criminal history, they may qualify for a signature bond. If your loved one's crime is minor, a judge may grant the bond as well. There may be other qualifications your loved one needs to meet as well.

Learn more about signature bail bonds by contacting a bail bondsman today.